Headaches and Migraines
Do you suffer from headaches? If so, consider how often, how bad and when do they arise? Millions of us get headaches often enough to be annoying; but some of us are unlucky enough to get headaches that are so debilitating that we are resigned to spending up to 3 or more days in a dark, quite room, totally unable to participate in our regular life.
Think of a headache or migraine as one of your body’s warning systems- pain just doesn’t manifest for NOTHING; something is out of balance & warrants your attention.
There are many reasons why headaches may occur:
Hormonal fluctuations- women often get migraines around ovulation or just before their period. This is often due to an oestrogen overload and / or a sluggish liver that is unable to properly metabolise excess hormones. Extra magnesium, B vitamins, and eating plenty of vegies from the brassica family (broccoli, kale, cabbage, etc.) can help.
Dehydration- any slight drop in cellular hydration can trigger a headache. Drinking 1 litre of water at the first sign of migraine can halt it in its tracks.
Over-acidic body chemistry- indulging in rich foods and sugar creates a very acidic state that wreaks havoc on cellular functions. A dull, lingering headache can often indicate that your cells are bathed in too much acid. LOTS of water, plus alkalising greens and cell salts (particularly Nat Phos) can rectify this.
Blood sugar issues: having either too high or too low a blood sugar level may trigger headaches. Balancing blood sugars means eating adequate protein & good fats with each meal, as well as avoiding all refined foods & sugar.
Liver issues: the liver meridian opens into the eye. Headaches that lodge behind the eyes or coincide with bloodshot eyes suggest that the liver needs some attention. Here, herbal medicines such as Bupleurum, Dandelion & Schisandra work beautifully.
Food sensitivities: foods such as red wine, chocolate, bananas, MSG, caffeine and amines (found in high amounts in aged cheeses and leftover foods) are notorious migraine triggers for many people.
Stress: excessive worry about anything causes a constriction of the tiny blood vessels in the brain, leading to headache & migraine. Stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, yoga and calm music can all be valid ways to prevent headache.
Electro-magnetic radiation (EMR): many of us are sensitive to EMR, so take note of where you are & what electronic gadgets may be nearby when a headache strikes.